V Instruments

AC transmission line analyser

  • This set-up consists of four individual modules.
  • Input AC Source
  • Transmission Line model
  • Transmission line parameter measurement module
  • Load setup


  • One no. of variable AC source at 1250 Hz. With two mode of variable voltage.
  • 0-25V peak for short transmission line and 35V for medium and long line
  • One no. of toggle switch to select 25/35V AC
  • One no. of potentiometer used for Voltage variation.
  • One no. of ON/OFF switch and Fuse provided for AC output
  • Output terminated with banana socket
  • One no of illuminated Rocker Switch provided for power ON / OFF


  • Simulated value of R-L at 80 km length for short transmission line.
  • Simulated value of R-L-C at 150 km length for MEDIUM LINE with PL & T network.
  • Simulated value of R-L-C at 300 km LONG transmission line.
  • All input and output terminals are terminated at front panel..


  • One no. of PIC Micro controller used to measure all parameters.
  • One no. of LCD display to indicate,
    • Sending end voltage (Vs)
    • Sending end current (Is)
    • Receiving end voltage (Vr)
    • Receiving end current (Ir)
    • Phase angle between Vs/Vr
    • Phase angle between Vs/Is
    • Phase angle between Vs/Ir
    • Phase angle between Vr/Ir
  • One no. of PIC Microcontroller can be used to calculate the A, B, C, D values
  • One number of LCD display to indicate A, B, C,D value of transmission line in rectangular form
  • One no of illuminated Rocker Switch provided for power ON / OFF
  • One no of TPST switch provided to select
  • One no of DPST switch provided for Hold & the IS & IRCT calculate mode


  • Three sets of R-L load for all three types of transmission line.
  • 3 Toggle switches provided to select R, RL Load (All 3 sections)
  • Rotary switch provided for load R, L value selection.
  • Input & output are terminated at banana sockets.


  1. Measurement of sending end, receiving end parameter of SHORT / MEDIUM /   LONG transmission line.
  2. Calculation and checking of A, B, C, D constant of all three lines.
  3. Ferranti effect